Project A-Day-in-a-Wheelchair
Project A-Day-in-a-Wheelchair an experiential project to promote awareness, understanding and acceptance of independent wheelchair-bound living in Singapore
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page 4 - Flag-off & Opening of the Very Special Fair, 14 March 1999
It was Flag-off time for the experiential wheelchair-bound journey teams at 10am, followed by the opening of the Very Special Fair. We were honoured to have Mr Chng Hee Kok to officiate the flag-off and the opening of the Fair.

The sporting Mr Chng made his entry to
greet the waiting participants in a wheelchair.
Assisting him was Dr Robert Loh.
The sporting Mr Chng made his entry to
All set, ready to embark on the wheelchair-bound journey
Mr Chng encouraged the participants to make full use of this unique learning opportunity

Lert's go!
Mr Chng encouraged the participants to make full use of this unique learning opportunity
and to share their learning through a feedback session at the end of their journey.

At the sound of the air-horn, the experiential journey begun...
6 teams wheeled off from the Singapore
6 teams wheeled off from the Singapore
Conference Hall...
11 teams boarded the waiting TIBS buses to be ferried to their start-points located afar at Woodlands, Jurong, Bedok, etc.
11 teams boarded the waiting TIBS buses to be ferried to their start-points located afar at Woodlands, Jurong, Bedok, etc.

So the journey began...So the journey began...

Opening of the Very Special Fair...
Very Special Fair

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